#3 CROWLEY 2000 CL2,Jns11 ##CL2 and CL2.Jns11 spliced version #Crowley 2000: Hemisphere climate records and was scaled (12) to temperature using the instrumental record (16) in the overlap interval 1860–1965. url<-"ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/gcmoutput/crowley2000/crowley_fig1_data.txt" h<-read.table(url,skip=1,sep="\t") dimnames(h)[[2]]<-c("Year","CL2.Jns11","Mn.sm11","CL2","+2s.d.adj","-2s.d.adj") #Fig 4 values go from 1000-1993 (but they are smoothed 11 and the 1993 values probably contain info up to 1998) #the adjusted version in Figure 4 has splice from 1871-1965, but CL2 values otherwise CL2.Jns11=ts(h[,"CL2.Jns11"],start=1000) CL2.Jns11=ts(CL2.Jns11[!is.na(CL2.Jns11)],start=1000)