README! This directory contains the results of post-publication testing for O'Donnell et al. 2010. Files: 1. RegEM Pared.txt: Updated version of RegEM used for the cross-validation Monte Carlo testing (written in R) 2. RegEM.pared.R: A loadable R object containing the RegEM Pared functions 3. RegEM Test Scripts.txt: Monte Carlo test scripts for the cross-validation testing (requires RegEm Pared to be loaded; written in R) 4. ttls.ridge.test.R: A loadable R object containing the test script functions 5. cloudmaskedavhrr.txt: White-space delimited AVHRR data for the test scripts 6. north.america.rdata: R object containing the North American GHCN data for the test scripts 7. avhrr.test.rdata: R object containing the results of the AVHRR-based Monte Carlo testing 8. ghcn.test.rdata: R object containing the results of the GHCN-based Monte Carlo testing 9. R object containing the results of the RLS cross-validation testing for determining the optimal setting of k_gnd 10. ridge.v.ttls.stats.rdata: R object containing the comparison stats between various k_gnd settings and the iridge infilling