From: Cotter, Rosalind
To: 'Steve McIntyre'
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: NATURE: 2004-01-14277B

Dear Dr McIntyre

Thank you for this information. You will see from our manuscript tracking system that your revised comment and the revised reply are still out to review; so far, we have one of the three reports back, but will be in contact again as soon as we have heard from the other reviewers. We understand your frustration, but unfortunately investigations such as this can be unduly protracted in the effort to ensure a fair outcome.
Thank you for clarifying the confusion that has arisen over your previous interactions with different Nature editors. We should  be in a better position to discuss your concerns once we have heard back from the referees.
Yours sincerely
Rosalind Cotter